Arpophyllum giganteum

Tribe Epidendreae
Subtribe Arpophylliinae
Scientific name Arpophyllum giganteum Hartweg ex Lindley
Synonyms Arpophylluum cardinale Lindey & Reichenbach f.; Arpophyllum jamaicense Schlechter; Arpophyllum medium Reichenbach f.; Arpophyllum squarrosum R. H. Torrey ex Lubbers; Arpophyllum stenostachyum Schlechter
Distribution Mexico to Colombia, Venezuela, Jamaica
Reference Arpophyllum giganteum Hartw. ex Lindley 1840
Note Photos below are of an orchid (Arpophylluum cardinale 'Onoko') which was cultivated by Ono Highschool students and displayed at the Orchid Show 2006 in Spa Resort Hawaiians (Fukushima Prefecture, Japan)

November 2006
at Spa Resort Hawaiians
November 2006
at Spa Resort Hawaiians
November 2006
at Spa Resort Hawaiians